Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hey everyone. No I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, I’m just trying to work on pre-production for my documentary and finish up my last year of school! I promise to do better at writing here and there.

So here’s the deal, I’m working on logging the footage that I filmed while in Cambodia, writing the script, and compiling a list of donors for the feature length documentary. I hope to have this accomplished in the next few weeks, there’s been a lot of work that has led up to this. Then I will write the budget (equipment expense, travel expense, etc.).

Starting min-January I will be putting my short film together along with my proposal and contacting potential donors for money and donations of equipment, air mileage, etc. I’d like to raise enough funds to get a nice website up and running dedicated strictly to my film business and the documentary.

I need to get my crew nailed down and set the shoot dates in Cambodia and here in the U.S. Once that occurs I need to contact my interviewees and make sure the dates work and that they are still willing to talk with me. I will need a translator while in Cambodia and I need to start thinking about and contacting distributers for the film as well. There’s just a lot of little details that need to be taken care of and soon.

This is the real deal, a full-length documentary! I still need to figure out the budget, and I will cut cost as much as possible, but I’m guessing I will need about $50,000 for this project. I’ll keep you up-to-date on the particulars as they come together.

I’m trying to think of good names for my film company. Oh ya, so I’m working on my film company; mission statement, vision statement, values, etc. as I work on my documentary. I am reading a great book that’s helping me along with this process “Shaking the Money Tree” by Morrie Warshaski.

So that is the short version of what has been, will be, and is going on regarding my documentary on the sex trade. I’m getting REALLY excited about it too. It has kind of taken on a life of it’s own and I like the way it’s looking.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Transitions Global Logo

Dear Friends,

We are excited to share the news that Transitions Global has been selected to participate in GlobalGiving’s Global Open challenge, a unique fundraising opportunity for nonprofit organizations working around the world.
Now through Sept. 18, if Transitions Global can raise at least $4,000 from at least 50 donors, we will earn a permanent spot on, the internationally recognized marketplace for philanthropy that connects individual donors to the causes they care most about.

Every donation helps, and no donation is too small. You can support Transitions Global for as little as $10 and make an impact. In addition to helping us earn a spot on GlobalGiving, the nonprofit organizations that raise the most money will earn a bonus $1,000-$3,000. The organization that recruits the most donors will earn an extra $3,000.

We are very excited about this opportunity to reach a whole new network of donors to help the survivors at Transitions Global, but first we need the help of our friends and supporters. Help us achieve our goal of $4,000 from 50 donors by Sept. 18 by making a donation to Transitions Global on GlobalGiving here.

Please share this with your friends and family and ask them to help too. Together we can open up a whole new avenue of support for the girls we serve!

Thank you for your generosity,

The Transitions Global Team

James & Athena Pond
Founders, Transitions Global

Day 22 I'M HOME!

8/24/09 (Mon) So by the time I finally got home and got to sleep I had been up for 29 hours! I had woken up Sunday at 9am and went to bed technically on Monday at 2pm all Cambodian/my body time. Oregon time I went to bed at midnight last night and woke up at 5am for a bit went back to sleep was woken by Kevin an noon told him I needed sleep and went back to sleep again until 5:45pm! Wow that is crazy, it might take longer then I thought to get use to the time change and all that. Please pray that my body will get with the program and quickly, I just have too many things to get done. Thanks.

Kevin is the most amazing husband ever! He has been hardcore cleaning and organizing our place since I left. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it look this good. Everything was literally cleaned; he vacuumed, dusted, mopped, etc. Also he had gone through all the paperwork and crap in our office/music room that we could barely walk into. He shredded all the paper and filed the rest. He even reorganized the furniture so there was more room. It looks sooo much bigger and just amazing. I can’t begin to tell you how happy it made me. I can actually do homework in there now!! Te he he! He also organized things under our sink in the bathroom and the hall closet! Wow what a man! :)

So I know need to eat and start unpacking and SHOWER! My back is pealing bad! I sure hope it will be okay by mom’s wedding on Saturday! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 21 Going Home

8/23/09 (Sun) Yeah, I was able to get a hold of someone who could burn a DVD for me! So late last night the DVD was burned! Now I can give it to Zaya when she takes us to the airport! Whoopie it's compete! I leave today, it’s crazy to think that I’m leaving today (Sun) and after 26 ½ hours I will be in Portland and it will still be Sunday! Crazy. I think I’m going to sleep for like 2 straight days, that is if Kevin will let me. ;) He might be so excited to see me that he just wants to spend time with me. :) That’s nice too, but I wont be much company until I get my rest. Mom’s wedding is in a week and then I start school. My husband is amazing, he already bought my books for class, has been paying my bills, cleaning the house…I’m excited to see what the house looks like and of course most importantly to be in his arms!

I am now in the Taipei airport and I think that we board in about an hour. I only have about 20 more hours until I’m home. ;) Pray that I sleep, but still will be able to sleep when I get home. Pray that my jet lag isn’t too bad, that I sleep well when back in Oregon and get re-accustomed to the time. Pray for safety and good health. Thank you to all of you that have followed my blog and prayed for me while I have been on my trip. Thanks for supporting me in all the different ways, including funding so that I could make the trip in the first place. It has been an amazing adventure of excitement and sorrow, clarity and confusion, hope and despair, it has been an incredible experience and I will forever be changed. I can grasp even more fully what I have been learning this last year and I believe I am more equipped to fight against sex trafficking. Thank you again to all of you that helped in my growth.

I guess there was a Swine Flu outbreak in Phnom Penh. Some missionaries had it and didn’t know it and brought it into the Hope School where someone we know was going. A hold bunch of kids got sick and everyone was quarantined at the Phnom Hospital. How crazy and a bit scary. Thank God we didn’t get it and neither did the girl that attends the school.

Wow that sure took awhile. When arriving at the LA airport I had to go stand in line to go to customs so that someone could stamp my form, then I waited and waited and waited for my bags, I started to get a little worried. I stood in another line so that someone could take my stamped form. I walked down a long hall until I was able to drop off my checked bag again. Then I had to exit the international building and walk all the way down the sidewalk until I got to the United area of the domestic building. It was WAY further then on my way to Cambodia. If I knew it was going to take that long I actually would have taken the shuttle. I stood in the wrong United Air line for awhile and then after getting in the correct line I was given a piece of paper basically and told to wait at the gate until they called my name to get my seat #. That concerned me a bit but I just went on to security. When at security they decided to check my entire bag because of the external hard drive I had in it. He started by asking if I spoke English, I wasn't even in an international line or anything, I thought that was interesting. Somehow it was a problem and I should have taken it out along with my laptop, all though it was fine in all the airports to Cambodia and all the airports back, but whatever. I finally got to by gate and walked across the walkway to customer service to make sure I had a seat and they just printed me off a real boarding pass. That made me feel a bit better.

Between the fact that I was starving and I have been up for far too long my tummy has been bugging me. It is 8am in Cambodia (my body’s time) and I have been awake since 9am yesterday and I wont get to bed until probably 1pm Cambodia time! My whole body aches I am so tired. On the 12 hour plane ride I fell in and out of sleep for only 2 hours! Oh my goodness I am tired. Good thing I only have 3 more hours and I will be in Portland, probably about 4-5hrs and I will be able to be in my own bed! :) I’m so excited to finally sleep. I kept telling myself the entire time I was gone that I would sleep when I was home.

There were these two guys that I set next to on the plane that were pretty awesome. One of them use to edit film and he gave me some resources for getting funding for my documentary! God pretty much rocks my face off. The poor guy to my left puked (sp?) everywhere when we landed, good thing he didn’t eat anything or it would have been really nasty. I felt like I might throw up, but I did not (that had nothing to do with him throwing up). If it wasn't for them I don't know if I could have got my bag off the dealybober, it was freaking heavy and akwardly placed between other bags.

I don’t think that I’ll have a problem falling asleep on this plane ride, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open as it is. I sure hope that sleeping on this plane wont interfere with my sleep when I get home tonight.
I was in and out of sleep for most of the plane ride to PDX, as was the young woman sleeping next to me. For the last part of the ride we spoke and I found out that she is from China and has never been to America before. She is here to teach Chinese at Western for a year. I thought that was pretty cool and she spoke AMAZING English. She actually kind of sounded British not Asian when she spoke. She was excited for my documentary and wanted to see it when it came out.

Day 20 The Last Day

8/22/09 (Sat) I am not sure if I mentioned this already, but everything that could go wrong where video is concerned pretty much has. It has been a frustrating trip when it comes to video. I was all done editing yesterday, but when I was exporting it the power went out, so I had to start over, and then it exported incorrectly. I ended up having to just leave it and work on it today. I was hoping to get the DVD to Sola last night, but hopefully I can meet up with her and give it to her today. I’m not sure if my computer will even let me burn a DVD though! Wow, it’s almost comical how very wrong everything has gone. Oh well, I am sure it will work out, just not the way I ever expect. Since I’m dealing with the video today it looks like I wont be going to the Killing Fields either. :( Well, maybe next time. I sure I’m excited that I get to go home tomorrow though. I REALLY miss Kevin!!!!!

I don’t think I will be going for drinks with Steve and people. For one I’m pooped from last night, I need to pack and get this dang DVD thing figured out and then get it to someone…There’s always correspondence by email and then there is next year.
Looks like I’m not going to be able to have even one DVD for the girls before I leave. Everything is completed and exported, my computer just wont let me burn a DVD for some odd reason. ☹ Athena and/or James will be back in just a couple of months and I can send all the DVD’s with them, so that’s good, but I really wanted them to have at least one copy right away so they could see the fruits of their labor when it’s fresh in their minds. ☹ Oh well. I did everything I could do, and that’s all I can ask of myself.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 19 Re-shoot

8/21/09 (Frid) The little bit I did sleep I slept hard. I almost didn’t know where I was when my alarm went off, but I bolted out of bed. Keep the prayers acomin’, this should be an interesting day. I am sure it will all work out, not necessarily the way I think or hope it should, but everything will work out. Wow, look what a little sleep can do for you, it gives you a whole new outlook on life. :)

I am suppose to meet with Isabelle, the girls yoga therapist at 2:30pm today, we’ll see if that works out. I actually got a lot accomplished last night, so mainly I just have to input the new video we get today and add subtitles, so that’s good news.
God is good. Why do I ever doubt or freak out? So every girl was there this morning and we got everything filmed in record time! :) I had everything almost edited by 11am! ☺ Now I just have to go back to the hotel and get capture some footage that I already filmed, make sure the audio is good and then export it. Then I make a DVD and hand it off to Sola tonight and I’m done! My hope was to have a DVD for each girl, but at least they will have one and they can burn some with the blank DVD’s I will be giving them. YEAH!

I am now sitting here waiting to talk with Isabelle, their yoga therapist. Then it’s off to edit, hopefully take a nap, then shower and get ready for dancing tonight! :) Now that the film is almost behind me, I can relax and have fun, plus go to the Killing Fields tomorrow! :)

I can’t believe that that was it. That was the last time I will see the girls for a year. It’s bitter sweet going home really. I can’t wait to see my husband, to be able to take a deep breath without toxic fumes, to sleep in my own bed, to actually sleep. But I will most definitely miss the girls, the staff, and Cambodia as a whole. I can’t wait to come back and have Kevin share the experience with me.

It’s hard when you don’t I don’t know the language and the girl who wants desperately to talk to me doesn’t know my language either. So we just give these smiles that says we long to say so much, but we cant. It’s amazing how these girls have so much capacity for love, they long to love and be loved, just like all of us. You would never know by looking into the innocent faces of these sweet girls that they have seen more and experienced more pain then most of us would experience in a life time. Yet even with all that they cling to you and are so vulnerable in your midst, laying their heart out before you. The resilience and fortitude baffles me. They are my heroes.

It’s really hard here to see all these suffering people living on the streets, lost limbs, chunks of flesh gouged out from mines or whatever it may be, little children naked, dirty and hungry, and they all want you to provide. Oh, if they only knew how much my heart longed to help. But would my money really heal their wounds, enable them to move from the streets and provide for themselves, bettering their situation? Probably not. It’s heart breaking to see some people that have been dealt a bad hand in life and truly just don’t have the opportunities, or know of resources to help, and others are somehow bound with unseen chains that society and themselves have placed upon them and they can’t break free. Whether they “choose” to stay in their situation or they have no choice. James has offered this one girl a job numerous times, but she chooses to stay in sex work, because she has the perception that she is making so much more doing what she is doing, when in reality she is making it, the bar is. So even those who “choose” to stay where they are in life, they really might not be choosing, but there is something hidden that keeps them where they are…
So I met with Isabelle and I really like her a lot. She is very grounded and wise and passionate for helping the girls. It’s really encouraging to hear her speak. I could just sit at her feet and have her talk, soaking in all her knowledge for hours. :) I am excited to keep in contact via email and to see her again when I return.
So we went dancing last night with the gang, we didn’t end up being able to pick up “my girl” though. :( Dancing was actually really fun. The place was huge and kind of fancy, they had this big stage with a band and people singing and then they would have the DJ up above the stage play music and everyone would flood the dance floor. Then they had like a comedy hour, which would have been funny if I spoke Khmer. :) I hadn’t been dancing in a long time, and it was really fun. I got to bed far too late though.

8/20/09 (Thur) Last night my legs were as red as they were Tuesday. My skin on my legs was so tight from my sunburn that I could barely straighten my legs! If it wasn’t for the melaleuca oil I’d probably be hurting even worse. Too bad I didn’t get to put it on the day I got burnt, I probably wouldn’t even hurt now if that was the case. I had let Athena borrow it though because she had a nasty scrape on her arm, the poor thing. Oh well, at least I have it now. I pray I don’t peel so I wont look scary for my mom’s wedding, especially where I can’t reach to put the oil on! Sorry I keep complaining about this, but I have only had one worse burn in my life and laying in bed last night it felt like my legs were all bruised even. They feel and look quite a bit better today though. The oil is quite refreshing. :)

Yeah, so all of the filming is done and we transferred all the video from the second tape to my computer/external hard drive. Sola helped me figure out which takes were the best, since I don’t speak Khmer. I could have sworn I grabbed the right tapes, but none of the tapes I had were the first tape, so I’ll have to find that and hopefully Sola can come over tonight and we can finish with what we started. I feel an all nighter editing session will have to occur this evening.
It’s so funny watching people drive here in Cambodia. If anyone in America thought it was impossible to carry certain things on a motor bike, the Cambodian people could surely prove them wrong. You see six people on one tiny moto bike, babies, beds, crates of eggs, trailers being hauled, old men that can barely see, live animals, various things piled 6 or so feet high, you name it it’s been done here in Cambodia. :) People drive or walk around with little masks on all the time, either because they are sick, they don’t want to get sick, or because they had dental work that they don’t want people to see. I found that interesting when I learned it. What else…there are all kinds of interesting things here that I wish I remembered to write down. Guess you’ll just have to come here and see for yourself. :)

Okay, so I’m pretty much up s@*t creek without a paddle. I can’t seem to find the first tape that the girls filmed with!!! I don’t know if I somehow left it in my other room, before I left for Siem Reap, if it somehow dropped out of my bag, or if P-rome was messing around with my stuff like he does, and it’s now somewhere at TLC. Regardless of where it is, I wont get it before tomorrow, therefore no editing will occur, and everything has to be done tomorrow! I tore my stuff apart looking for it, and it is not here. Sola wanted me to meet at TLC at 7am tomorrow morning so that we could look over the video, the hotel said that I needed to check with the cleaning lady at 8am, class is suppose to start at 8:30am tomorrow. I don’t know what to do, I’m pretty much screwed. It’s all I can do just to keep from crying. :( I feel like everything surrounding video has gone wrong for me on this trip. It’s beyond ridiculous, and the crazy part is that it’s not like I have just been irresponsible and taken poor care of my stuff. I’ve worked really hard, sacrificing sleep and all for these girls and I feel like life keeps taking a crap on me where video is concerned. Grrrr!!!! I leave in 3 days and this is supposed to be done tomorrow! Sorry for that rant. Needless to say, PLEASE PRAY!


Okay, so there is some good news and some not so good news. The good news is I’m not as dumb as it seemed…I thought that I only brought 6 used tapes for the girls to film with and I have 6 right here, and I was correct that that’s all that I brought. I also now know that I didn’t loose or leave the first tape the girls filmed on anywhere. Now comes the not so good news, somehow the “2nd” tape is really the first tape that somehow got rewound and taped over! I can almost guarantee it was when P-rome was messing around with the camera. :( Oh man. We’ll I don’t have to keep looking for the tape at least, but now I have to figure out what the heck to do. The goal was to have a finished DVD for all the girls by tomorrow, but that obviously can’t happen. Maybe there is some way that we can RE-shoot all the girls tomorrow and I’ll just have to work on the film when I get home and send it to them. I don’t know what to do. :( I’m sad/frustrated.


I just called Sola and her and I agree that we could hit P-rome for this (not really I love the kid, but aaaahhh!). Well I guess three of the five girls that we have to reshoot will be there tomorrow morning and hopefully somehow reshoot the other two tomorrow afternoon sometime after my meetings. Please pray that this works out. Then I’ll just have to try to edit Saturday instead of going to the Killing Fields I guess. :( I really want to try to have a finished project for the girls before I leave, plus I don’t know when I’ll have time to do it when I get back anyway. Tonight will still be crazy trying to get everything edited besides the video that we will shoot tomorrow. Bring on the prayers please!!!


Okay, so it is 1am and I have to get up in 5 hours, so I’d better get to bed. Please pray that I make it through the day and we get everything done that needs to get done please. Nigh night.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Helping Out The Girls

If you are interested in helping out the girls in Cambodia financially please visit this website for more information: 

8/19/09 (Wed) It was figured out last night that two of the four girls left to film would be working this morning, so we would have to film them today at 3pm. YEAH, that means I was able to sleep in until 8am again, plus I went to bed extra early! :) I can’t explain to you how happy sleep makes me when I have gone without much for so long. Since it is still relatively early I get to slowly start my day and get everything in order without rushing around. I have an appointment at SISHA to interview Steve at 1pm and then from there I go to TLC to finish up filming. :)

 I try not to think about the fact that I miss Kevin too much and just keep busy and focus on this amazing opportunity and these incredible girls, but it’s still hard. Honestly, I wasn’t too bummed when I didn’t get to see Angkor Wat at sunset because that’s something romantic that Kevin and I can share when we come back. Same with the elephant ride, Apsara dance, the beach, and the floating villages tour; all those things Kevin and I can experience for the first time together when I come back. I sure love my husband. It’s not that I can’t do anything without him, it’s just not nearly as fun. I enjoy experiencing awesome things with him. It’s just that much better when we get to do fun stuff together. I’m sure he’ll love Cambodia, hopefully as much as I do. 

I can’t wait to be able to use my Soniccare toothbrush when I get home! Even though I brush my teeth here it just isn’t the same, I am still left with somewhat of a film on my teeth, it’s gross.

Holly cow I just go back to the hotel and it’s just a few minutes to 7pm! We only filmed 3 of the 4 girls and it took hours! I have to wake up extra early again tomorrow too. Sola and I REALLY needed to work on picking which takes were the best tonight so we could start editing in class tomorrow. Instead we will have a little less than an hour to do only some of it in the morning and start class an hour late. That means class will be cut in half. I am starting to worry that this film not being complete by Friday like it is suppose to be! I am going to have to work my butt off even harder then I have been outside of class in order for the film to be completed for the girls. This is dedication, there is no way I would be busting my butt this hard if I didn’t care so much about these girls. I need prayers please!!!

I just realized I didn’t really eat lunch or dinner either! I had a granola bar and that was about it. I’m going to eat, shower, and try to get to bed so that I can wake up early. By the way, the meeting with Steve was great. I really like him a lot and he gave me some good information for my film and for investigative reporting type work. We might go out with some people for a beer Saturday, so that’s cool (besides the fact that I don’t really like beer ;). Still hoping that Sola, T-dine, Sarin, & Sareme and I will be able to go out dancing Friday night.

Day 16 Catching Up

8/18/09 (Tues)  My body hurts pretty bad between my stomach and my sunburn, but I’m sure I’ll feel just fine in a few days. Too bad I don’t have someone to help put melaleuca oil or lotion or anything on my back. I just pray that I don’t peel and look crazy for mom’s wedding! I hit the ground running when returning from Siem Reap. I want to make sure that the film is completed for the girls. As long as we can get the last group all filmed tomorrow we should be right on track to finishing it by Friday. Please pray that this occurs. I am still trying to figure out when I can go to The Killing Fields and also trying to set up times to meet with various people I’d like to interview before I leave.

Besides going to TLC and working on the film with them, most of the day today was spent in my room trying to recoup. Being in bed gives me a chance to relax a bit and get caught up on my journal entries, which is always good. I feel like I’ve been going 110 mph since I got here, besides this last Sunday,  I haven’t gotten much sleep at all. It’s good and important to take the opportunity just to take care of myself…

8/17/09 (Mon) I felt a lot better when I woke up today. I don’t even want to think about how horrible I might have felt if I actually woke up early again yesterday to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat again! I’m so glad that I listened to my body.

My legs are so incredibly burnt right now it’s not even funny. We took the boat back to Phnom Penh today, and even with sun block I got a little burnt. But I didn’t put ANY sunblock on my legs until it was too late, because my legs never burn. Well talk about a bad idea, my legs are burnt horribly. My legs look like lobster legs. I got a lot of color all over me, I can feel it on my back, but I can’t help but feel it on my legs, they are burning!!!

Besides that, the boat ride was awesome. It was really nice being on the top deck and seeing the river and the trees and all the little kids. There was a good amount of kids here and there that would yell and wave excitedly at us. It made me giggle every time. It was neat to see, and I of course waved back equally excited. The boat ride was so relaxing, I took many deep breathes of the fresh air. The was temperature was nice, much cooler with the breeze from the water.

It was so funny when we the boat pulled in to Phnom Penh. As soon as we grabbed our things and headed back to the top of the boat there were already tuk-tuk drivers on the boat trying to get you to ride with them! I couldn’t believe it. I had heard from people and seen in a travel video how aggressive tuk-tuk drivers and moto bike drivers could be, but we had never really experienced it until then. They swarmed us all talking at the same time trying to convince us to go with them. Steph was a little overwhelmed, but I just laughed. She wanted me to make a decision, but I just got my video camera out of my bag because I had to get the chaos on film. :) We ended up going with this cute guy who had put his arm around Steph and asked her how she was. It was funny.

We had a great lunch down the street from our hotel and I talked with Steph about a whole lot of things; about spirituality, bad things happening, God always being there, and trusting God. Steph is pretty amazing and had some wise words for me. I’m so glad that we met, she is truly a blessing and I look forward to getting to know her more. I wish she lived in Oregon. Kevin and I will have to go visit her in Colorado, it sure is beautiful there so I don’t think it would be a pain to visit there. :)

My room is a good one in the good building, it’s only on the 2nd floor, right next to Beck & Steph, to bad they are only staying for a day. I’m glad that all I have to do is walk down two flights of stairs to eat or use the internet! :) I’m exhausted but I still have a lot to do. I just realized sitting here typing that it feels like I’m still on the boat, rocking back and forth! :) Reminds me of roller-skating and when you are done it still feels like you are somehow still on them. The boat most definitely didn’t help my tummy, but I do feel WAY better today. 

Day 14 Taking it easy

8/16/09 (Sun) Becky left today, and the rest of the women went to Angkor Wat again, extremely early and I slept in until 8am, ya! That’s the latest I’ve slept into since I got here! I still have to get a lot more sleep though to really catch up on it. I waited for quite sometime thinking the girls would be back soon, but then I just had to get some food. I ate a nice breakfast in our hotel and then went to the market and bought a few more things. I now have ALL my gifts purchased, so that’s one less thing for me to have to think about. I hope everyone likes what I got them. I wish I could have bought more people gifts, but I’m sure they will understand.

I was just trying to take it easy and feel better, so I ended up going for an amazing, yet quite inexpensive massage! I then got another treatment right after that! :) I got a detox scrub thingy. I thought that would be a good idea to try to purge whatever was in my body that made me feel so crappy. It was so nice to be pampered for 2 hours and just take care of myself without rushing around for an entire day.

I kept feeling worse as the night went on, and right after dinner I kind of came to my breaking point and Steph had to take me back to the hotel. We ALWAYS just walked to and from the hotel to the market area because it was so close, but I was doing so badly we had to get a tuk-tuk. I was really upset because we were going to an Apsara show (Cambodian traditional dance), but I just didn’t feel up to it. Steph gave me a bunch of meds and I went to bed really early.

Day 13 Temple Time

8/15/09 (Sat) It’s 4:30am and I’ve already been up for 30 minutes! We are doing the sunrise tour at Angkor Wat, which will be awesome and I’m sure well worth getting up at this god awful time of the day… Angkor Wat was amazing! We went all over the place and saw some amazing temples. I am so glad we did it. The sunrise was beautiful. Our guide was amazing and good at taking us places that other tourists weren’t and at the right time of the day to miss the rush. He was incredibly knowledgeable and spoke amazing English. It was really cool to see the “Tomb Raider” temple, now only called that because the end of that movie was filmed there. That’s not why I liked it, in fact I never saw the movie. I liked it because it was really cool to see the crazy trees growing up on the rock and I had seen amazing pictures of it and was looking forward to seeing it first hand. By the end of the day we were really dragging. It was so beyond hot we were sweating so bad, we were tired from waking up so early and walking so much that I think we were pretty templed out at the end. We get to go back tomorrow though. Becky will be leaving though. I’m glad that she was able to come up for a little bit though.

After showers we went around the market area again and I got some gifts today and finally spent some money. I am really excited for Kevin to see his gift, I think he will really like it, I hope so anyway. We had some awesome Indian food and right outside the restaurant was a band playing some wonderful Cambodian music. Steph, Becky, and I had to buy a CD it was so great, plus all the musicians are people who have been injured from land minds.

I’m not feeling to great, so I think I’m not going to go to the temple for sunrise again with the other women. I haven’t slept much this entire trip and I can feel that if I don’t take care of myself I’m not going to do well at all. I will just go back later for the sunset, I’m really looking forward to that.

8/14/09 (Frid) So we finally ended up getting bus tickets for Siem Reap last night at like 11:30pm! Since we waited so long to book a boat ticket one of the guys who worked at our hotel said that we were pretty much guaranteed that the boat would be sold out in the morning, and so we would have had to wake up REALLY early, plus it was way more expensive. As a result we decided to take the bus instead. We (Steph & I) will probably take the boat back though, hopefully we will actually get to bed at a decent hour so we can wake up to do so. Steph & I ended up putting all our bags in Becky’s room for the weekend so the three of us could split the cost. I was glad that that worked out. I checked out of my room and was able to book a room for when I return on Monday, and in the nicer main building where breakfast and the internet is! YEAH! :) That will make life a lot easier.

So Steph, Jen, Jen’s friend Melinda, Becky & I left for the bus station at about 8:15am or so (way better then 5:45am or so for the boat). What an adventure that was! When we first got on the bus Becky & Steph sat together, Jennifer & Melinda sat together, and I was by myself. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but what are you going to do. Then this guy sat next to me and I just wasn’t sure what to think about that, or him. After awhile I struck up a conversation though and he ended up being pretty cool. His name is Tim and he is from Ireland. We actually hit it off pretty well and talked most of the time. It made the bus ride go quicker and it was just way more enjoyable. It’s cool to have a contact in Ireland now if Kevin and I ever end up going. Plus he’s a musician so Kev and him have that in common. During the trip our bus broke down, yes our bus broke down. We weren’t by anything or anyone that could help us, just a few farm looking homes. It was REALLY hot standing on the side of the road waiting for who knows what. It might have been a little easier if we actually spoke the language and knew what the heck was going on. It took us awhile to even realize the bus had broken down. Tim had done this trek before and said that sometimes they stop the bus and throw water on the engine to cool it down, which they did, but it came apparent that it was a lot more involved then that.

I’m not sure what we would have done without Melinda…Melinda flagged down another bus and Jen negotiated for the 5 of us to get on board. I think 7 or so of us managed to get on the bus. I’m not even sure how long the other people continued to stand waiting on the side of the road for either the bus to get fixed, or for someone else to pick them up. That goes to show how important it is to be proactive. So the five of us, and Tim managed to get a ride the rest of the way to Siem Reap. The bus situation was quite hysterical really, about 5 of us were sitting in the aisle way with all of our bags and the rest of the people were able to snag seats. At one point I was so uncomfortable that I arranged the bags so that I could lay down, it was actually quite comfortable, and I did it in a way that no one could have snuck something out of my bag while I was sleeping. Not long after I got situated the bus stopped and a bunch of people got off. I then had a seat. So this bus wasn’t a straight shot to Siem Reap like we expected but a semi-local bus that stopped multiple times along the way. We actually ended up getting into Siem Reap at the same time though because the bus driver booked it.

On the first bus there was an older lady eating this weird fruit that kind of looked like a prickly strawberry from the outside. I kind of wanted to try one…When I was finally sitting on the last bus there was a girl eating the same fruit. I tried to ask her what it was called so I could find it, she gave me one instead. Jen and I tried it, and it wasn’t too bad. It kind of smelled a bit like feet, but when I got past the smell the taste was kind of pleasant. Jen thought it was like an apricot or sour patch kids. Whatever it was, it was pretty good. The girls friend gave us some other round fruit to try too. I have tried a lot of different fruits while here in Cambodia. They have the most strange fruits here. Lots of them are really pretty too, like the yummy Dragon Fruit. :) We didn’t have much food at all on the LONG bus ride, so we were all kind of hurting.

Melinda was a lifesaver and used her blackberry to look up hotels and email them on our way up to Siem Reap. I’ve never been so unprepared before, but it was kind of fun flying by the seat of our pants and making plans as we went. It was probably good for me not to be so anal. Our hotel ended up being pretty cool. It had this beautiful wooden floor with matching stairs and banister that was absolutely gorgeous. The beds and pillows in the room were amazingly comfortable too. They actually had wireless internet in the room too. It only worked some of the time though.

So I had totally spaced the fact that Malaria caring mosquitoes are present in Siem Reap and I therefore left my nasty, but essential DEET back in Phnom Penh! Thank God Becky & Steph not only had some, but where nice enough to let me borrow it. So I’m good to go, no worries. Please pray that I don’t get Malaria though :) Thanks. I’m sure it will be fine, the travel place didn’t say I needed the pills. I think Steph was taking her Malaria pills though, so that scares me a bit.

We went to the touristy little market place with all these cute shops and that was really cool. We had a nice meal around there and some great ice cream at this little place. While we were walking around someone asked us if we wanted to get high and if so that he could set it up. I was a little surprised, but I thought why not, just kidding! :) I tried to videotape it without him knowing, but I don’t think it worked out. Oh, something that was really awesome was we saw this humungous billboard, the kind that changed every few seconds. There were three pictures that it changed to and EVERYONE was about sex tourism and how bad it was and stuff like that. I totally videotaped it, it was quite encouraging to us!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

8/13/09 I can’t believe I still have 10 more days until I go home. It seems like such a long time, but I know that with the video the girls are making and our trip up to Siem Reap, the time will go by really fast. I just pray that there is enough time to get the video done, and done well! I feel a LOT more confident now that Sola and I figured out everything. She’s pretty amazing. Hanging out with T-dine, Sola, & Sarin was probably the most fun times I’ve had since I got here. I guess T-dine and Sola LOVE to dance and so we all talked about going out dancing next Friday! :) I sure hope it works out, that would be awesome. 

I had a true Cambodian experience this morning. T-dine picked up Sola and I on her motor bike and the three of us headed off to TLC. :) We got a lot of looks, they probably aren’t use to a white person sandwiched between to Cambodians on a motor bike, it was great.  

Today was a really great day. We got a good amount of filming done for the girls’ little movie and we completed Jen’s photo project. It was fun helping the girls pose the way Jen wanted them to, and tickling them so that they would smile. :) We gave the staff and all the girls flowers and cards, they really appreciated it, it was sweet. Even some of the Vietnamese girls seemed happy. One of them hugged me a few times while we were taking pictures and just goofing around. I really like the staff at TLC, they are a bunch of nuts, no wonder we get along so well. :)

So I went and got the equivalent of Cambodian glamour shots today, just like the girls get. :) It took like 2 hours, but it was a lot of fun. You should have seen how much makeup I had on, along with fake eyelashes. I’m really curious to see how they turned out. :) The last couple of days really has been a blast. I’m excited for our Siem Reap trip. 

So I think we are heading off to Siem Reap tomorrow morning, but plans still haven’t been finalized and it’s almost 8pm! If we leave by boat we have to be at the ferry place by 6:45am! Ahhh, I’m still not sure what to do about my room in Phnom Penh, if I should transfer over to the nicer Golden Gate building and keep paying for a room while I’m gone, or if I should just stay where I am, or see if I can leave my belongings in someone’s room while I’m gone, so that I can save some money. Not sure if any one would be willing to do that though…

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8/12/09 (Wed) I can’t believe how incredibly tired I am today. It’s funny, but one of the main things that keeps me up at night is that the oscillating fan that was mounted on my ceiling makes my hair tickle my face at night and it wakes me up. Sometimes I put the sheet over my head, but then I just get hot. You maybe thinking, why don’t you just turn off the fan, but if I did that I would be too hot, and that would keep me up to. It’s a conundrum. If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to here them. This blog is an interactive one. ;)

When I got to the shelter today everyone was happy to see me. That always feels good. I LOVE seeing them too. ☺ T-dine is going to take me for a ride on her motor bike sometime, and she wants me to go out to a club with her too. ☺

Yeah, we finally finished all the translating of the homework! Sola and T-Dine and all the girls didn’t want me to leave. I told them that I had to go, but I’d see them tomorrow, but they said, that’s too far away. ☺ While I was waiting to catch a ride T-Dine insisted that she paint my toe nails, so she did as the girls surrounded me. It was a good day. Now I need to read through all the girls’ homework and figure out what they should say tomorrow for filming.

I couldn’t get a hold of Steph & Jen, they still weren’t in there rooms, so I called T-dine, like she asked. I guess I’m now going to BBQ dinner with T-dine, Sola, & Sarin! I’m really excited. I also get to ride on the back of her moto bike. ;) Te, he, he. Then I need to come back and work on what we will be filming for tomorrow!

I had sooo much fun. T-dine first drove me around for a little while and then we met up with Sola & Sarin at this little restaurant that all the locals eat at. It was really good! I was excited that I was finally going to a restaurant where the Cambodian people ate. After awhile it was PACKED, and I was the ONLY white person, it was great. ☺ All four of us laughed and just had a great time. We drove around for a little longer and then Sola stayed with me and we read over the girls stories and came up with the best thing for them all to stay so that it flowed. I am happy with what we came up with, but it took FOREVER. She just ended up staying in my hotel room with me, because we are both just going back to TLC together early in the morning. It is 6 am, and I am EXHAUSTED. I pray that I can make it through the day, and more importantly Sola can. I can come back to the hotel and sleep, Sola doesn’t have that option. Although we went to bed at 12:30am and woke up at 6 am, Sola told me that on a normal night she’d go to bed between 12am-1am and always wake up at 6am, so it really wasn't any different then normal. I don’t know how she can do that. She’s young so she can do these things I guess.

Info on Cambodia

-Cambodia is 14 hours ahead of the US (When it’s 8pm in Cambodia it is 6am in the US)

-Cambodia is located in South East Asia between Thailand & Vietnam
-Cambodia was a part of the horrific Khmer Rouge that took millions of lives only 30 years ago. It was mass genocide that rivals the holocaust, wherein all educated people were massacred.

- Cambodia is one of the top destinations for sex tourism & trafficking

-Most places around the vicinity of our hotel you shouldn’t pay more then $2 or $3. You could probably pay a tuk-tuk driver $20 or less to drive you around for the entire day. Unless you know your stuff like James, always confirm how much the ride will be, before hand.

-it is 4000 reil to the American dollar.

-Khmer language 101: Remember, most of this is my spelling so I can remember how to say it…

Susdey (Suse Die): Hi

Sok Sambey Te? (Suk Sapbye Te): How are you?

Suk Sapbye: Good

Akune: Thanks

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I’m not sure what it is about Cambodia that takes your heart, but from the moment I got here I fell in love with it. I can’t put my finger on why I initially loved the place, I hadn’t gotten to see the people, it was dirty, crazy, smelly, and new, but I loved it!

The longer I had been here the more I saw how friendly Cambodian people are in general. Even with everything that they have gone through they go out of their way to smile and make your day a little brighter. Even the poorest of the poor, their faces light up with this brilliant smile, as if they don’t have a care in the world. It’s really humbling to see people who really have problems, and a right to be mad at the world, be so happy.

I especially see it with the beautiful girls from Transitions. To hear stories of how they were when they first arrived at the TLC; shut down, angry, quiet, and hurt. Yet girls who have only been at TLC for two weeks are smiling and happy, or happier at least. I have a sense that some of the girls just put on a happy face, at least for us American visitors. I’ve noticed one girl at TLC, and other young women at the massage parlor, who smile big, but as soon as they think no one is looking they go blank. There is something going on deep within that seems to take them over, that no smile can push away. That makes me wonder if in general the Cambodian people feel they need to put on a fake façade and pretend all is well, when in actuality they are broken and bleeding inside. I’m sure it’s a little of both.

 James & Athena have done a phenomenal work in Cambodia. What they are doing, the organization that they have set up is truly one of a kind. I have never known an organization to do more for those they are trying to help, then Transitions. The way James & Athena have poured out their hearts for the girls and sacrifice so much because of their deep love for them is incredible, and I know that it doesn’t go unnoticed by the girls. When you dedicate your entire life to helping someone, they know it. They can feel your love and that makes more difference then any training or counseling they could get. There’s no way girls can leave TLC without knowing they are deeply loved, appreciated, and valued. You should see James with the girls, no one could doubt that he loves them to pieces, and has a blast with them. He’s a different person when he’s around those girls. He lights up and become a big kid. It wonderful seeing him with them, it makes me really proud to be a part of this organization. 

It’s interesting how there is always a tuk-tuk driver, or 5 waiting EVERYWHERE. No matter what time a day, you never have to worry about there being a tuk-tuk. What’s funny is the fact that after the first guy asks if you want a ride and you say no, the second guy is right there to ask you again, like you said no to the first guy and somehow you will change your mind when he asks 2 seconds later. ;) Drivers here are pretty much insane. I don’t know how people have enough guts to ride motos. Everyone and their grandma drive or at least ride on a motor bike. Sometimes you’ll see literally 6 people packed on to one, or someone loaded down with crates of fruit or something. I must say I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

If you just looked at the traffic in Cambodia you’d think that the Khmer people are very fast paste, but in actuality I don’t think they are. You see people sleeping in their tuk-tuk, or in a hammock, it doesn’t seem like they are too worried about being somewhere or continually being busy. It’s interesting to see how laid back people seem.

I absolutely love Cambodia. I can’t even describe why, but the moment I got here I fell in love with it. Yeah, it smells, it’s noisy, people are crazy drivers, but there’s just something I can’t put my finger on that has just captured my heart. Besides the fact that I will FINALLY get to see my husband, I’m going to REALLY miss it here when I have to go, and the girls. The girls and staff at TLC are pretty amazing. I am pretty much in love with the girls, I love being with them and just hanging out. I wish I could be at TLC more often. Sola & Zaya are great, they are such sweeties. Zaya is probably the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life. She has such a heart for the girls. I haven’t gotten to know T-dine much yet, but she seems pretty cool too. She said that I could ride on the back of her motor bike with her if I’d like. I’d love to, even though it seems scary, I have to ride on the back of one before I leave, plus I’d love to get to know her better. I like Sareem & Sarin too, they are fun.


8/10/09 (Tues) Another early start to teach the film class. I’d sure like to sleep in, even just one day. I sure am pooped. Even though I was exhausted I didn’t sleep very much at all last night. I think I need to come back to the hotel and sleep after the class. I am excited to see the girls again, and to continue teaching them about film. 

The class went really well and I think that the girls had fun messing around with the camera. They seem eager to start filming tomorrow. Sola (the councilor & my translator) have a daunting task of reading through all the girls homework and translating it to English and then figuring out what the stories have in common and where and what we can film. I asked the girls to not only figure out what it was that they wanted to say, but more importantly, why? What is the point that they want to get across and who do they want to see it? Even some of the girls who didn’t work on it in class yesterday actually turned something in. That was encouraging. There were still those who didn’t have anything, but Sola worked with one of them to get something written out. I asked this of them, more for themselves then for me. I don’t want them to be nervous or embarrassed when it comes time for them to be in front of the camera with nothing to say.

This is random, but it’s really cute when the girls try to say thank you. It’s not thank you, but sancks you. :)

Sola and I worked on translating the homework for a long time and where only about half way when I just had to eat. Zaya was sweet enough to serve me what the girls had for lunch. I felt bad, but they kept serving me. They are all so sweet. The food was really good to. I had crab among other things. I just hope I don’t get sick from things being washed in the water. I think that everything was cooked, so I’m sure it will be fine.  

Zaya and I talked about her taking me to get my photo done like the girls do. It’s kind of like glamour shots for Asia. I think that would be sooo much fun. :) I really enjoy spending time with Zaya. 

Oh yeah, one of the girls painted my nails too! :) I’ve spent far more time at TLC then I expected, but I’ve had a great time with everyone. I really like it here a lot, I wish I lived in Cambodia and could work with the girls all the time. 

Sola and I kept working and working…She told me that one of the girls had written more in her homework then she ever had told Sola in their counseling sessions. I thought that was extremely encouraging that what I was doing was helping the girls express what they had been through. I think this is going to be a good experience for them. I just hope we’re not taking on something bigger then we have time for.

So I left at 8 AM this morning and JUST walked in my room at 5:15pm and I’ve been working almost the entire time, except when I ate lunch. Needless to say I am pooped. I think that if Athena feels up to it James, Athena, and I will meet to go over the game plan for filming with the girls, then dinner with the gang.  

So the meeting before dinner went really well, and we were all on the same page for the most part in regards to the film, and that’s always good. The ginger shrimp that I had for dinner was excellent.

Monday, August 10, 2009

8/9/09 (Mon) Today was my first day teaching the film class to the girls at TLC. I must admit I was pretty nervous and nowhere near as prepared as I would have liked to have been. I didn’t know what to expect, but it seemed to go really well. A counselor and Zaya (my spelling) helped translate for me. It didn’t go how I planned, I had to change it as I went to film the girls, but it went pretty well. They all voted and decided that they wanted to make a movie about their real life, about themselves and their family. I was really excited, but somewhat surprised that they were willing and ready to take that on. At the end of class I had them try to figure out not just what they wanted to talk about in the movie, but why. Trying to get them to see that they need a purpose, a reason for saying what they want to say and figuring out who their audience was. Most of the girls worked really hard on it, but some didn’t even try. I gave it as homework hoping that some of the girls would be able to think about it and write something before tomorrow’s class. One of the girls started crying and I didn’t know if it was because she was frustrated that she couldn’t think of what to write, or if it was because she had to think about the pain in her life. For a minute I was like, oh no, what have I done, this was a horrible mistake! Zaya helped her and I think she was fine in the end. 

After the class one of the girls we call “little Zaya” gave me some bracelets, it was so sweet. We hung out it the office at TLC while Jen took pics of the girls. I was learning a little Khmer (Cambodian) language and trying to write it down in a way that I would remember. Little P-diddy (P-rone) is one sharp cookie and can copy anything down in English and can pretty much say it right on after only hearing it once! 

I was sitting in a chair in the office and the girl that had been crying in class sat on the floor and put her head in my lap and wrapped her arms around me. She said something in Khemer (Cambodian) and the counselor translated telling me that she said she loved me so much and even dreamt about me! I couldn’t believe my ears, I almost started crying. Although she has been at TLC for about a year she still cries at least twice a day and obviously has deep, deep issues, it’s so sad, and she’s so sweet. It just breaks my heart to think of what these girls have been through.  

Zaya told us a really hard and moving story that one of the graduates of TLC went through before she came to Transitions. At 11 years old the girls mom had her go with these people to, what she thought was, work at a restaurant. To make a long story short the girl was sold into another country and found by the police with a man holding her hand on a bed. She didn’t speak the language and she was scared out of her mind. When the police questioned her she tried to tell them that her mom sent her work at a restaurant, and so they assumed her mom had sold her and they sent her mom to prison for 11 years! So not only does this poor girl have to deal with being sex trafficked and all the horrors associated with it, but she also has to deal with the guilt of sending her mom to prison! Zaya was crying a bit when telling the story and I was extremely choked up. It’s hard to not get too overwhelmed and visualize what’s going on, because then you just get consumed by it and can’t really do any good when you are in that place. It is important to face the crap and deal with it though, not bottling it up. 

Okay, so we are extremely lucky/blessed that this horrible typhoon didn’t get us here. In Taiwan there were 400 people missing, and millions were evacuated out of China! It went right over where we flew in, in Taiwan. I just can’t believe it, Steph had to cancel her Loes trip, which is just North of us, because of the typhoon! Reminds me of when I was in Georgia when there was the massive hurricane that hit many states around us and we had severe winds storms, but nothing too major. There isn’t any storms here though, just bouts of strong winds once in a great while for a short time.  

By the way, did I mention that it’s freaking hot here and I’m gonna sweat to death? ;) Even James & Athena, who lived here for years, can’t seem to handle the heat. James is always in a pool of sweat. I’m sure that he’d love to know that I mentioned that in my blog.

Not long before we left “little Zaya”  wanted to trade rings with me. Ha, ha, ha, I told her (through an interpreter) that it was my wedding ring and I couldn’t give it to her. She still insisted that I take her ring that she wears everyday! I tried to have her keep it, but she insisted, so I did. I need to find a little ring somewhere to give her. They seem to do that, just easily give what they have to others. They’d rather make others happy then to keep it themselves. These girls truly are amazing. They have endured so much, yet they are more positive and loving then any American teenager who hasn’t experienced even half of their pain and loss. 

Steph seems to have “the room of plagues,” as it has been deemed.  She has had all kind of bugs come out of her drain, including flying ants. Today she told us that as she was laying in bed late last night and she kept hearing water, she looked out her door, nothing, and so she laid back down. She heard it again so she investigated the bathroom nothing in the sink or shower, so she lifted the lid to her toilet and there was a big fat sewer rat that had climbed up the drain pipe into her toilet! She video taped it before someone took care of it. Can you imagine, I would have freaked out! She said she just imagined the guy dropping it and the rat running around her hotel room, nasty. I concur now that it is indeed the room of plagues. 

Poor Steph, her and I have been fighting off a cold that started out as a bad sore throat the last few days, unfortunately she lost the fight. She doesn’t look so good, her eyes are watering terribly, she still has the sore throat and now has a horrible headache to go with it. She was in bed for quite a few hours this evening. I’m hoping and praying that with a goodnights rest she will feel much better in the morning. I REFUSE TO GET SICK! 

Okay, so there is this older man that works at the front desk of our hotel room that seemed extremely friendly and smiley when we first got here, but is starting to creep me out a bit. I think he might have a crush on me. He always has an extra big smile when I’m around and he follows me from the desk to the front door of the hotel asking how I am doing and he’s just kind of creepy. Jen said it’s weird watching all these guys (young and old) check me out, ‘cause I look like I’m freaking 16, I’m with her on that one. So just today on my way in the hotel to rest the other older man was just getting off work and telling me that he gets off at 5pm, and wondered if I wanted a ride on his motor bike, I said no thank you and started into the hotel. He kept asking me if I wanted to go for a ride on his moto and then proceeded to ask if I wanted to go out for Mexican food! I couldn’t believe it, I just laughed and said goodnight as I walked in the hotel. What’s with these men? 

Well, this has most definitely been an eventful trip to say the least. I think I neglected to say that we were in a little car accident. Don’t worry no one was hurt, it wasn’t really that big of a deal. The funny thing is we all found it surprising that we didn’t find people wrecking all the time with the chaotic way people drive here, and then we got hit. I felt so bad for the poor driver, he looked very worried. It wasn’t his fault, some bull-honky plowed right into us. It was almost in slow mo, we all were like oh crap we’re gonna get hit. Jen said it was like Mr. Magoo, he just got closer and closer and somehow never saw us, even though we were this big van right in front of him. When the driver started talking about the police he got all pissed, like he had a right to get pissed. We thought we were gonna see a brawl. Guess the dudes from Vietnam, probably doesn’t have a Visa or something…

 An update on the 24 rescued girls. I think they were all Vietnamese and they were found caged in wooden crates!  4 of the girls have been at TLC for a few days. I guess they speak Khmer but wouldn’t, except when Zaya mentioned food, convenient. Looks like they are doing great now, I saw them yesterday and they were playing around. God is good. 

It’s crazy how God uses bad things and transforms them into good. Apparently the girls mom who’s in jail taught all these women how to sow and now they are making clothes and getting money for it! If it wasn’t for that woman, who knows if they would have learned that. Zaya and the girl go and visit the mom and Zaya says she looks really good. The girls father was very abusive to her, and probably her mom as well, who knows if she might be in a better situation after all. She has a roof over her head, food, a purpose, and she isn’t being abused. Not saying this is an ideal situation by any means, but it kind of reminds me of Joseph and how he went through so much, but God was with him throughout it all and used him in so many peoples lives. God makes beauty from ashes. 

I’m FINALLY all caught up with my journal entries, and therefore my blogs, yeah! Well, I’m still not feeling great and need to take care of myself, plus go to bed early. So I’m off to bed, night.

Day 7 Bowling Party

8/9/09 (Sun) This was the day we were suppose to sleep in, which I was really looking forward to even before we stayed out all night. It was worth it though. We ended up going bowling with the girls and some of the staff from TLC. Wow, was it a blast. I don’t think any of the girls had ever bowled before. It was pure chaos, but so much fun. It was hilarious seeing the girls bowl, and little P-rone trying to role a ball as big as himself down the lane. It took forever for it to get down to the end. Ha, ha, it was so cute. Jen took lots of pics and brought little temporary tattoos that we put on the girls, it most definitely was a success. They were quite excited about it. 

After bowling we went for pizza at the same “mall” that I went to to figure out my camera. It was actually really good… 

We had much needed free time for the rest of the day until dinner.  At dinner we went to this cute little place where we took off our shoes to enter and sat around a long short table and ate hummus and things of that sort, it was great. We met Isabel, the girls’ yoga instructor. It was wonderful to hear where she came from and her thoughts on the girls yoga therapy. She is all about empowering the girls to see themselves as they truly are and once they can find worth within themselves they can then begin to figure out what their morals and beliefs are, and based on that, they can start to create the world the way it should be. She is currently taking a group of the TLC girls and teaching them to be yoga instructors. It seems like an intense training process where they look within themselves and deal with some tough issues in their own lives and in their culture. I was very much inspired and encouraged by her amazing work in Cambodia. I’m excited to see her more and ask more questions. 

 We said our goodbyes to the remaining group from Cincinnati and headed back to the hotel.  

8/8/09 (Sat) (4:30pm) Today we went and painted at an orphanage, whew was it hot! The kids were so cute, and quite the little helpers. I think I will be going back next week to help paint the murals. I almost thought I’d get heatstroke at one point, but I survived. The girls from TLC were there helping too, it was nice knowing that we were helping kids that REALLY needed it. 

While painting and planting the garden James told us that 24 girls were just rescued somewhere! It came as a shock to him, but it was really exciting. I don’t know the details, but praise God. I’m sure it wouldn’t happen this soon, but I thought it would be amazing if it was from that one horrible orphanage I visited. 

I miss my husband horribly! It feels like we haven’t spoken in days, but I think we actually talked briefly yesterday morning, but not for long. I sure wish he was here, it would make things a lot easier to handle, that’s for sure. I can’t believe I still have 2 whole weeks left. I’m excited, but most definitely can’t wait to see Kevie! 

So I found out that I can use my older non-HD camcorder even though a good majority of my footage is already HD, and it should be okay. I sure hope so. 

(Later on) Tonight James took Steph, Jen, & I to some bars where there were sex workers. I was both excited and nervous to get a chance to see what occurs in person. The first bar was small and not very impressive, with a lot of young Asian women sitting with old men laughing and touching. If I had happened upon the bar, not knowing what I do, I might have just thought it was a regular bar with older white men hitting on cute young Asian women. I guess there are rooms above the place where men will take the girls up to and have their way with them. James said that with talking to the girls over time he has found out that the freelancing girls/young women who work the bar have been more brutally treated up in the rooms then when they were in the brothels. There is no accountability for the men, no pimp to protect his property, so anything goes. There wasn’t much more to see, and we weren’t really talking to any girls, so we headed to the next location. 

The next place was more high-end, and the girls there actually worked for the bar. They had to make a certain amount of money, I forget, either every night, or every month to keep their job there. You have to be, or at least say you are, 18 to work at the bar. Immediately, young ladies/girls came up to us very jovial and smiling. They were adorable. We sat down at a booth and told a few girls that we would buy them some drinks. So they got our order and their drinks and came and sat down. James explained before we got there that that’s one way they make their money. We asked if we should be paying for their drinks, or if that would be encouraging the problem. He said that he thought of it this way, it’s better for me to pay for their drinks and talk with them, then for them to have to leave the bar and do God knows what with skanky old men. We agreed, so that’s exactly what we did.  

We really had a fun time. It’s hard to believe that they do what they do for a living. They all seem so young, sweet, and fun. They tease each other, and do a VERY good job at putting on a good face. Each of us paid for a girls drink and talked with them most of the night, but we all talked in a group. After awhile we sat outside and talked. The girl that I was with was hungry and covertly bought something from a boy on the street and got some for the other girls. I guess they aren’t allowed to have any outside food for some reason.  She offered some to me, telling me it was a tree ant. I looked into the little bag and wasn’t sure, but I did it. I was a bit scared and everyone laughed at my facial expression as I put a wad in my mouth. James was pretty proud that I had the guts to try it and so they all applauded me. It really wasn’t that bad, it tasted like sweet chilly flavored something. The texture was a bit odd, since it was all mashed up, but I had about four or five pinches of the stuff.  

I found out from the young woman that I was talking with that she was supposedly 24 years old, she had a 1 year old daughter, and shelived with her family of 10 (brothers, sisters, parents, etc). She only made about $60 a month working at the bar (but we know she never actually takes that money home). Somehow these women think they make all this money, when in actuality they never see much of it. They somehow believe they can’t make any better money somewhere else, so they are trapped. “My girl” said that she never leaves the bar when working, I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but I’d like to think it is. She told me about how she really wants to be a hairdresser, but there is no way she could afford the $300 for school. She loves to dance, sing Karaoke, and although she doesn’t think she is good at it, she likes to draw. She doesn’t get the chance to go out much, because she’s either working or with her baby girl.  

I guess it only takes $5 to have the girls for a night. I really wanted to pay her fee and take her out dancing. I seriously would have if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone else were party poopers. ;) Maybe before I leave. I desperately wish I could just giver her the $300 so that she could go through the schooling to do something else with her life. I wonder if she’d do it, even if someone else paid for it. We stayed there for hours, I don’t even know what time it was when we went to bed. Reflecting on it, Steph, Jen, & I admitted it was bitter sweet. We had an amazing time with all the girls, it was great knowing that we were keeping them from something worse, but it was sad to think that these beautiful girls with so much potential were so trapped. It was a great experience though, and nice to get so close to the girls that are doing what they are doing. 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

8/7/09 (Friday) Today was far too hot for me, I’m melting. I’m going to be in great shape after this trip between sweating the pounds off and going up all the freaking stairs.

We went to the Royal Palace today, and it was awesome. I found out that Cambodia has a king and he actually lives there at the Royal Palace and uses the various buildings that we toured. He is more of an icon than someone with power, but I still found it interesting. I had to wear a t-shirt out of respect, because you are not allowed to show your shoulders in the palace area. I thought I was going to cook to death, I was pretty miserable. I might have appreciated the experience a little more if I wasn’t dripping sweat.

The buildings were gorgeous and everything the tour guide told us was quite fascinating. Cambodia has adopted Buddhism & Hinduism and kind of lumped them together into one religion. I’d like to learn more about those religions. We saw a bunch of awesome REALLY old art work that showed the combination of the two religions.

Most everyone went to The Killing Fields during our break, but I spent it trying to figure out how to fix my stupid camera! I was at the Sony store for about an hour or so while someone tried to get the head cleaner tape to work, eventually it looked like it was fixed so I went back to the hotel. I was recording my room to make sure it was in fact fixed, but it wasn’t! It seemed like it was fine until I got back to my room. I’m not even sure how many times I used the dang head cleaner, and the footage is still choppy. At times it wont even play. I don’t know what’s going on, first I can’t get the batteries to charge on the dang thing, now I can’t record video without it being all messed up.

I found out that Jen’s HD Flip Video that I’ve been using isn’t working either! While charging the Flip Video a message flashed across the screen saying, “It’s too hot, charging paused.” Yet the thing wasn’t hot, that happened multiple times. When unplugged and looking at the screen it said “Time Left: 0 hours, 0 minutes,” and when I pushed record it read, “Camcorder Full” even though I had already transferred all the footage to my hard drive and erased the footage. Here’s the weirder thing, when I went to check the footage on the camera it said “Camcorder Full.” I’m not a genius but I’m pretty sure something can’t be full and empty at the same time. I’m beginning to think it’s me, that just by touching things they are breaking. :(

I don’t know what to do. It’s quite frustrating that one of the main things I came to do was to shoot footage for the documentary, and I can’t.

8/6/09 (Thur.) I am freaking exhausted, it is 11:40 pm, by FAR the latest I’ve stayed up, and I still need to write stuff before I crash….Today was a MUCH better day. Although I laid in bed from 6am-8am thinking of ways to rescue the kids from the orphanage, I felt a lot better emotionally. Even before anything began I was feeling a bit better, but as the day progressed I was feeling pretty normal and happy again to be in Cambodia. Today was a good day.

We started off going to an organization called Daughters, who works with women who are sex workers, right in the brothel area. They have day care for the women’s children, medical help, and their main focus is on vocational training so that the women can learn to do other things besides sex work. There were women there making jewelry, sewing, and making cakes. What they produced was amazing. I bought a necklace and earrings, I figured it was a pretty good cause to be supporting. Although I don't like the fact that the women are limited to sewing, jewelry making, and cake making, the concept of the organization is really great.

Most of the Cambodia girls seem to like me a lot because they think I am so young. When I tell them I am 25 they are shocked, thinking I was more like 16, just like those in the states. ☺

We FINALLY met the girls at the Transitions Living Center (TLC) today! ☺ We were told that the girls were SOOO excited to meet us. In all the years it has been up and running, we were the first group that has ever visited there. The girls were so cute in their dress clothes, they made us lunch and bracelets for each of us. We gave them our gifts and they were so appreciative. They were the cutest things ever. You would think that victims of the sex trade would be more closed off and reserved, but they were beaming and gave hug after hug after hug. It’s amazing what Transitions is doing in their lives. There were a few girls that just clung to me, and this little boy (a cousin of one of the graduates of TLC) was too cute. He sat on my lap a majority of time, his nickname is spider monkey, and for good reason. ☺

We then went on to an organization called SISHA, they kick butt, literally. It was started by an ex-police officer and they investigate and take down pimps and perpetrators of sex crimes. The founder was telling us all about SISHA and when asked he said he wasn’t afraid of taking anyone down, even corrupt government officials if need be. I was SO excited when I heard that, I felt like I was going to burst. I couldn’t wait until the talk was done and everyone was leaving so that Steph, Jen, & I could talk to him about the orphanage! I was praying and praying that God would somehow help me figure something out, that one of the organizations that we were going to meet could somehow do something to shut down the orphanage and help the poor kids. So we told him everything and he said that they would check it out TOMORROW and email us pictures when the pimps were handcuffed! I couldn’t believe it, I was SOOO happy. I just hope he was serious. Either way I’m gonna call and keep on his butt until it happens. ☺

After dinner Steph, Jen, & I finally went out to Liquid for a drink with the other girls, it was fun. Now it’s crazy late and I need to hit the hay.

The Third Day Blahs

8/5/09 (Wed.) Today was pretty much a blur because of what happened yesterday. I still can’t get over it, I didn’t sleep well and I just feel helpless and overwhelmed with sorrow for those precious children. I just can’t believe that nothing can be done. There’s got to be something. I find myself thinking irrational thoughts of kidnapping the girl I am in love with and somehow taking her back to America in order to give her a better life. It just makes me sick to think about it. She is so beautiful inside and out and I know that many men will want her and that she will lose that beautiful innocence. She is only 9 years old, and that’s the age when little girls move from helping out with chores to being taken advantage of by men. It just makes me ill to think about it, but I don’t know how to stop.

We (only Jen, Steph, James, & I) got up early to go to a yoga class, but it’s not like I was sleeping anyway. It was neat seeing two of the girls that have graduated from the Transitions Global program now teaching the class. They were really good at what they did and kept all the little kids in order. One of the instructor's cousins, a cute little 5 year old was messing around with James before everyone arrived, he was too dang cute. They were hitting each other with pillow like objects and when he knew he would be defeated he whipped out a little play pistol from his tiny shorts. Not that I condone weapons, but we all busted up laughing, we didn’t even know where it came from. We got a lot of good pics and video.

I thought it was a perfect day for yoga so that I could calm down a bit from yesterday and just relieve some stress, but it just wasn’t possible with trying to film. I did get to do a few stretches though. Even though everyone was cute and it was great, I was just so out of it I couldn’t fully enjoy it.

After yoga we quickly changed and headed to Chab Dai with the rest of the group. We met with Helen who moved to Cambodia from England and founded Chab Dai. I was encouraged to see that their organization brought together many different organizations who helped rescue girls from sex trafficking. Their main goal was to have organizations actually work together, what a concept. It is something that they have been doing successfully in Cambodia for quite some time. Why don’t we have this in the US? Even well intentioned organizations fighting for the same thing are almost too proud to work together. It is very frustrating, but encouraging what Chab Dai is successfully doing. Again,  wish I wasn’t so out of it, but I’m excited to learn more about Chab Dai and get together with Helen at sometime before I leave.

Lunch/Russian Market: I was informed at lunch that all adoption of Cambodian children has been completely prohibited! So little children have no chance for a better life! This happened because freaking westerners would adopt children to take them back as sex slaves! The problem that they were trying to avoid hasn’t stopped, it just continues in Cambodia! How in the world can I save that little girl if she can’t even be adopted?

I am feeling a little bit hopeless and desperate right now, but I still pray for something, anything!

We then met at the Cambodia field office for IJM, which was great, but I was just so tired and out of it. After the discussion I briefly spoke with the head guy to see if I could also meet with him for my documentary before I left, and he seemed happy to.

Today was just kind of a blur. I was just not there, I want to say that I felt numb, but I was too sad to be numb, I was just blah.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It is now 6:20 am and I’ve been up for a little over an hour. I slept pretty well though, and am too excited to sleep. The rest of the group arrives today and we start doing some of the things planned. I’m still not exactly sure what all those things are, but we will be getting an itinerary for the week. You all should be happy to know that Athena gave me a phone while I am here so I can get a hold of at least four different people if need be. I kind of felt special. ☺

I prayed over my entire room this morning and I feel pretty dang confident that this is going to be an amazing experience and I have nothing to fear. That sure is a wonderful feeling. God is so amazing. He is really working in my heart and I know this is going to be a life changing experience for so many different reasons. I just can’t believe that I’m here, that this is really happening. A year ago I would NEVER have imagined I would be here in life. Not just in Cambodia, but working towards ending sex slavery by seeing it first hand and making a documentary about it to help others see too. God is good.

It is really raining hard here, but it is still relatively warm, that makes it interesting for figuring out what to wear. Right now it is currently the rainy season in Cambodia.

(written Frid Aug 7th, I am finally able to write about what happened some)
Okay, so it started off by Jen, Steph, & I going down to the riverfront. We had a great lunch, got some good video footage, and saw some cute shops. I actually bought clothing for myself, how about that! It was this awesome shirt that kind of reminded me of a kimono, yet a long shirt that you can wear pants under. I had to get it, it was so cute. I actually didn’t feel bad about buying it either.

So while we were walking towards the Wat Phnom a tuk-tuk driver tried to get us to ride with him, naming off different locations. He then began asking Jen & Steph (I was filming and not really paying attention) why they/we were there, and they said something about volunteer work I guess. He then began telling them about this orphanage he volunteers at and that he could take us if we wanted. The girls asked how much, and he said a donation, helping out the orphanage meant more to him. All he asked was that we bought some rice for the orphans on the way. They girls thought that was sweet, and told me about the situation and so we got in the tuk-tuk and headed off.

We went a good ways until we came up to this place that looked like an open garage with large bags (50 killos) of rice and women sitting in front of the garage putting rice into empty bags. Our driver asked how many bags we wanted to purchase, so we of course asked how much. He told us $60! We thought that was ridiculous, but we had no frame of reference and we were already kind of committed, so we bought the freaking rice, finding out later we should have only paid $35!

At this point we pretty much knew this was a scam and weren’t too excited about it, but we knew that at least the rice was going towards a good cause, even if our driver was reaping some of the benefits.

When we pulled in to the orphanage there were children everywhere, one even jumped on the tuk-tuk as we were driving up. ☺ They were all so adorable. We ended up staying there for about three hours I think! The little girls put flowers in my hair and clinging to me. We took a BUNCH of pictures, but my video camera decided to stop working. It said something about the head needing to be cleaned or something. I later found out that NONE of the footage from the orphanage was retrievable! I was sooo upset.

There was this one little girl in particular that I seriously fell in love with. She was so sweet and sooo adorable. She really took to me too, and she ran around taking pictures with my camera. She was actually pretty good. I found out that she was 9 years old, although she looked a lot younger. I really wanted to adopt her and take her home with me. She held my hand and clutched on to me. She looked sad at one point and I asked her what was wrong, but she didn’t tell me. I assumed it was just because we were leaving soon. When we left she ran to the front entrance behind us waving and waving, I felt like I was going to cry because I was so sad to leave her there. I can’t believe how much I fell in love with her in such a short time, I’m not usually like that either.

We then realized that we were going to be late for the big dinner with all the people who were arriving in our group for the week. Becky called wondering where we were and we told her we would be back in 10 minutes. On the way the scam artist of a tuk-tuk driver stopped off at the gas tank and asked for $2. I’ve never heard of that before, but what were we gonna do, we needed to get back, and fast. When he dropped us off not far from the restaurant we were probably 15 minutes late, but after arguing with Mr. Scammer over how much we had to pay, we were well over a half an hour late! He tried telling us that we owed him $20 for the ride! That’s absurd, it’s freaking Cambodia, where it cost $2-$3 to go most anywhere, $15 to keep a driver for the entire day! We went back and forth and he continued playing the pity card until we were beyond pissed off, but we just wanted to get to the dinner and so we paid. We paid a crap load of money to this scam artist, it was beyond frustrating. I only have so much money for the three weeks I am here, and on the second day of my trip I blow a whole bunch. Grrrr!

At dinner we were talking to James about our grand adventure, that we felt extremely stupid about. He asked the name of the orphanage, we told him The Light House, and he proceeded to tell us that it was part of a big trafficking ring!!!! My heart sunk, I felt ill, I didn’t want to believe it. I guess he had done some undercover work and tried to get warrants, but the government funds the orphanage and gets a cut of the profits! I was livid, I couldn’t believe my ears. Steph, Jen, & I were all quiet and thinking about it the rest of the night. I just couldn’t wait to get out of there so I could go back to my room and cry. I felt like crying right there.

Needless to say I lost it when I got back to the hotel room, I tried to vent on camera, but it was REALLY hard. I passed out from crying so much, but I didn’t sleep well. Every time I woke up I would think about what had happened, and what I could do to help. I just wanted to abduct my little girl and take her back to the US! ☹

I’m so frustrated that all the video that I filmed at the orphanage isn’t there because of the freaking camera! At least I was able to get some on Jen’s Flip Video, but it wasn’t the same at all, nor did I get the same stuff! I have to google head cleaner for video cameras and maybe even email Josh. I have never heard of this before, but I assume it’s like a VCR and I just need a head cleaner cassette or something. How the heck am I gonna find something like that in Cambodia? 

The First Day

After 26 ½ hours I arrived in Phnom Penh anxious to get through customs, receive my visa and start my adventure. When I walked outside it was warm and sticky, but supposedly overcast and cool compared to normal. It was nice that we could ease into the heat a bit. Jennifer and Steph, two women that were to be a part of the initial group that would be going to Cambodia, were in the Taipei, Taiwan airport. It was a pleasant surprise to see them before we reached Cambodia, and to have someone else to be with me while I applied for my Visa.

Each plane ride I sat by people that were awesome. From PDX to LAX I sat next to a young woman from the Troutdale area in Oregon and we talked practically the entire time, it was a blast. It sure made the flight “fly” by. ;) When I got to the LA airport it was crazy. I had to leave the airport, walk down this really long sidewalk to an entirely different building, the international building. Once I walked in, it was chaotic and overwhelming how many people there were in long lines. I had no clue where I was suppose to go, but after asking a few people I was directing to the right place. There was only two people in front of me and I got through right away. I was afraid I’d have to stand a long line for hours and miss my flight.

Once getting my tickets I had to re-enter through security again, where there were was an even longer line! Thank God it was not the line I needed to be in. ☺ I got through security relatively quickly and by the time I made it to my gate I had more than an hour to sit and devise my plan of attack for teaching the girls cinematography/editing. There were these creepy guys in line for security though, trying to ask me all kinds of questions about my trip. The one guy asked me twice, so are you traveling all alone. Okay, so I’m not that stupid and I let them know that I was meeting a bunch of people and wasn’t specific in any of my answers. I know, I’m smart. ;)

From LAX to Taipei, the LONG 12 hr. flight, I sat next to this woman and her little 6 year old girl. They were both really sweet. The mother grew up in Taipei, moved to Brazil and met her husband. They have been living in California for 16 years now. Her and her husband speak Mandarin, Portuguese, and English, but can understand several other languages as well. It was nice talking to her and playing with her little girl, who also speaks Mandarin.

I was pleasantly surprised that I slept quite well on the plane. I read some of the documentary book, played games on my individual TV set that was placed in the back of the chair in front of me, watched some National Geographic, and the first Narnia movie. We had several meals and snacks throughout the flight which were great. It was so cute how all the flight attendents wore these cute little outfits with matching aprons when serving the food. It was a huge airplane! The entire plane was mainly Asian people, with a sprinkling of Caucasians. It’s interesting to be the minority, it doesn’t seem to bother me yet though.

At the Taipei airport I ran into Steph and Jennifer who were getting tokens for the free chair massages. I followed suit and we sat for about 15mins getting massaged in this “relaxing room” with actual plants, flowers and wall pictures of exotic landscapes. It was great, and well needed after the long plane ride.

On the last leg of our trip I sat by this precious little old lady who was originally from Cambodia. She now resides in the state of Washington. Although it was quite hard to understand her at times, we talked a bunch, she was a kick. I helped her with theVisa application when we made it to Cambodia, even though I didn’t know what the heck I was even doing. ☺ Seemed to work out though. As we were descending I could see Cambodia, mainly large areas of brown water.

Once in Cambodia, we were all ushered to the Visa area. There were people everywhere with masks on and it was a little disconcerting, but I brushed it off. If I had to deal with all kinds of people coming into the country, I’d probably wear a mask too. We got through the Visa area, got our bags right away, and went through customs with no problems, whew I had all that behind me and could just begin enjoying my trip.

Athena, James, Jaya, Huston & Becky were all waiting for us when we came out of the airport. It was wet and hot, but not too bad. We got in the van and took off towards our hotel. There were a lot of people on the road, mainly on motorbikes, zipping in and out of the correct lane, and even weaving between cars. It was madness, I can’t believe how brave, or crazy, these people are. There was young and old people driving the motorbikes with nothing but flip flops, shorts and t-shirts on for the most part. I saw people carrying large loads of fruit while on the motorbikes, and at one point I saw a man and wife holding their infant as they cruised down the road! There aren’t much in the way of traffic laws in Cambodia. Many people (cars & motorbikes) were just cruisin’ down the wrong side of the road like it was no big deal.

As we drove through town there was just so much to take in. Motorbikes for sale, fruit for sale, you name it. I was excited to arrive at the hotel and get to my room and get everything settled in. Jennifer and Steph are on the first floor (ground 0), and I’m on the third floor (really the 4th floor), what’s up with that?! All I have to say is that I’m going to be in amazing shape after this trip is over. ☺

The rooms are equipped with fans and AC, yeah! I have a big room with a desk, a nice size refrigerator, an armoire and large bathroom with a shower. The best part though is that I have this beautiful balcony outside my room where I can see people, buildings, and I think some Buddhist Pagoda . I was so tired from my long flight, but we needed to stay up until at least 8pm to get acclimated to Cambodian time, which is 14 hours ahead!

After checking into the hotel we all went to dinner and then Jennifer, Steph & I had an amazing 1 hour foot/leg massage for $7! ☺ The girls were so cute and sweet, the place was very pretty and relaxing. They soaked our feet in warm water with rose petals and other nice smelling things. Then they massaged our feet with oil, ending in a little neck, upper back, & shoulder massage which was a pleasant surprise. We were then served warm tea and some sort of cookie. Needless to say I crashed as soon as I got back to the hotel.


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