Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fiscal Sponsorship

We officially have our  FISCAL SPONSORSHIP through the Center for Independent Documentary(CID)!!!! Check out their website at http://documentaries.org/

What this means is that we can finally start applying for grants and any and all donations are tax deductible! :) We have been waiting to find out for months if we were accepted by CID, so now we can move ahead with our plans.

CID also lends us a lot of credibility. Here are their exact words to us:

I am pleased to be able to offer you a collaboration agreement with CID for your film, ³"Underneath the Surface:  Modern Day Slavery from Phnom Penh to Portland." We accordingly would be pleased to act as the film¹s fiscal sponsor.  It promises to be a valuable film, which CID will be proud to be associated with..

Before too long we will have a web page of our own through CID where people can donate online. I'll let you know when this is up and ready. 

Thank you for your continual support and efforts to stop sex trafficking!


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